Trust Attorney in Vancouver, WA
Protecting you from ungrateful and problematic beneficiaries
Offense or Defense: We’ve Got You Covered
At Vancouver Wills and Trusts, our experience allows us to successfully represent beneficiaries taking on nefarious trustees and executors. In the same way, our trust lawyers are equally skilled at protecting trustees and executors from ungrateful and problematic beneficiaries. Whether you are a fiduciary, agent, guardian or beneficiary, our skills will best represent your case.
With the right representation, resolving your trust can be a smooth and efficient process. At Vancouver Wills and Trusts, our team of trust attorneys in Vancouver, WA, knows the ins and outs of different trusts, estate planning, and other asset management processes. We have the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to ensure you’re treated fairly as a beneficiary, trustee, or executor.
Let our revocable and irrevocable trust lawyers make the process as seamless and stress-free as possible. Contact us today to meet with our Vancouver, WA, trust attorneys and schedule a consultation to learn more about our services.

“The whole process was easy and efficient. The outcome meets our complicated needs. The flat rate was more than affordable and worth it. I highly recommend Vancouver Wills and Trusts.”
— Susan Tripp
Irrevocable Trust
An Irrevocable Trust is created by the Grantor (also known as “Trustee”, who are the creator or contributor of a trust) that, by its nature, is impossible to “revoke” the trust and bring the assets back into his name.
What can we help you with?
Revocable Living Trust Attorneys
Revocable Living Trust is designed to hold titles to your various assets (bank accounts, real estate, personal property) during your lifetime for your benefit, and then manage and dispose of your assets after your death.
Special Needs Trust
A Special Needs Trust is an Irrevocable Trust designed to hold assets for a person receiving needs-based State and/or Federal government benefits.
IRA Trust
In 2006 Congress required that all qualified retirement plans must allow naming an IRA Trust as a beneficiary. By doing so, Congress allows you to form an IRA Trust for your child that allows the Inherited plan to remain tax-deferred.