Power of Attorney Lawyer in Vancouver, WA
Make sure you have a reliable team ready to step in if you are ever unable to care for yourself.
If you, or a loved one, are in a position where you can’t care for yourself, it’s important that you have supporters who can take major legal processes off your hands. This is where a power of attorney professional in Vancouver, WA, can be of great help to you. With the right power of attorney agent on your side, you can ensure that your affairs are in order. Here’s what you need to know.
What is a Power of Attorney (POA)?
One of the crucial Estate Planning documents, a Power of Attorney helps make sure you have a reliable team ready to step in if you are ever unable to care for yourself. With a Power of Attorney lawyer, you pick your team, not the court. You cannot be everywhere at once. Having another person stand in or sign for you might be necessary or merely convenient.
Why name a Power of Attorney sooner rather than later?
To create a Power of Attorney you have to be an adult of sound mind, able to understand the powers which you are granting to your power of attorney agent. Sadly, people often put off signing a Power of Attorney until either age or infirmity reduces their capacity, so they are no longer legally able to grant a Power of Attorney. In these cases, the family is required to file a Guardianship Petition, which is much more complicated and costly. Further, your wishes are no longer respected, the court picks the person who acts on your behalf.
So, if you want to be prepared in the event that you need someone to step in on your affairs, look into quality power of attorney services today. At Vancouver Wills & Trusts, we’re committed to helping individuals acquire the long-term legal support they need. As such, we approach every filing with the utmost care and attention to detail. Reach out to us to gain a trustworthy power of attorney partner in Vancouver, WA.

Have peace of mind knowing you have a plan
Don’t wait to put in place your Power of Attorney! If you have any questions about Power of Attorneys in Vancouver or any other Estate Planning topics, please contact us to schedule a consultation.
From the blog
Frequently Asked Questions
There are a couple of types of Power of Attorney.
General Power of Attorney - A General Power of Attorney exists when you grant your Agent broad, non-specific power to conduct any business or transaction on your behalf.
Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA) - A Power of Attorney is durable if its forces continue even if you become incapacitated.
You, rather than a judge, select the person who has control over your assets and your care.
You avoid the time and expense of a Guardianship proceeding.
You and your family have the peace of mind knowing that if you become incapacitated, you have implemented a plan.
If you are concerned about who could handle your affairs should you ever become incapacitated, then you need a Durable General Power of Attorney. A Durable General Power of Attorney grants very broad powers to your Agent, usually so large that the Agent can replace you.
If you become incapacitated because of an accident, illness or age, you could be taken advantage of by unscrupulous persons or family members. If you select an Agent in Fact in your Power of Attorney while competent, your trusted person is tasked with protecting you.
If you fail to execute a Power of Attorney, then the state takes over. To protect incapacitated people, the State created a system where the Court appoints Guardians. Unfortunately, the judges do not know you or your family. They do not know whom you trust and to whom you would like to have these extensive power. The judge will select someone to care for you, but it may not be someone that you would have picked. Further, the process of petitioning the Court and having the hearing can be very expensive, using up funds that should otherwise go towards your care.