Funeral Directives in Vancouver, WA
Bring peace to your family with a clear plan of action when you pass.
The Benefits of Having a Funeral Directive
In a world of second marriages and blended families, appointing a responsible, diplomatic Funeral Director can make the difference between peace in the family and years of conflict. While we never think it will come to that, disagreements over final rites can be very common among your loved ones. Further, if you have specific requests around your funeral or burial, you are relying on this person to use their force of will to make these plans a reality. If you want some say in what these ceremonies entail, this is where our funeral directive assistance in Vancouver, WA, can benefit you.
At Vancouver Wills & Trusts, we make it a practice to try and get clients to make this appointment in their Wills. The sooner you have an appointed funeral directive attorney and decide on a director, the greater the chances are of your final wishes being honored upon your passing. This person can be a spouse or the executor of your will, but it’s important to mention that this is not a requirement. Any trusted individual can become a director, but it’s vital that you take your time to select this person wisely.
We also help with funeral trusts in Vancouver, WA. A Funeral Trust or Burial Trust is an arrangement entered into with a provider of funeral or burial services. Prepaying funeral expenses may allow you to “lock in” costs for future funeral or burial services at an agreed-upon price. This takes an extra expense away from your loved ones following your passing and gives them fewer things to schedule and pay for during their grieving period.
Contact us today for funeral directive services in Vancouver, WA.