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What is involved in estate planning?
If you’re like most people, you might be thinking that a simple will and testament is all you need. You can draft it on your own, store it privately, and it will be legally binding, right?
While this idea is romantic, it is unfortunately not the case. The estate planning legal professionals of Vancouver Wills and Trusts have the experience and the training to ensure that your wishes are upheld and that your children receive the care you believe they need and deserve.
Why You Need To Keep Your Estate Plan Up-to-Date
Estate planning comes with continuous work throughout your life. Learn why you need to keep your estate plan updated and how to avoid problems.
5 Reasons You May Need To Update Your Will
Wills are rarely complete after drawing up the first draft. Discover a few reasons you may need to update your will and why taking this step is crucial.
5 Advantages of Starting Your Estate Plan
It’s never too early to begin planning for when you’re no longer here. Discover some of the noteworthy advantages of starting your estate plan now.
Your Brief Guide to Different Irrevocable Trusts
Irrevocable trusts can be advantageous for your estate plan in several distinct ways. We’ve compiled a brief guide to help you learn about irrevocable trusts.
Wills vs. Trusts: What’s the Difference?
Proper planning for after your passing is crucial. Discover the differences between wills and trusts and what makes them so important for your future planning.
5 Reasons To Create a Will Sooner Rather Than Later
Don’t put off creating a will of your own any longer than necessary. Learn about some important reasons to create a will sooner rather than later.
Does Relocation Have an Effect on My Estate Planning?
Moving to a new area impacts more than you might think. Discover whether relocation affects your estate planning and what changes to make after you move.
5 Common Retirement Mistakes To Avoid Making
Retirement can be a tricky slope to navigate. Discover a few common retirement mistakes to avoid making and how to do just that in your later years.